Thursday, February 9, 2012

Achieving Financial Freedom

Achieving financial freedom is nothing but a dream for most people. Let's face it; most people will never be able to get to the point in their life where they will be free from having to work for money to stay alive. It's not that most people don't have the capabilities to achieve the goal; it's just that most people don't know how. This article will be about why you should make financial freedom one of your goals and how you can go about doing it.
If you think about it, most people spend the majority of their adult life trading their time for money. This is something that is needed because you need money to live. You need money in order to provide you and your family a roof to sleep under, food to eat, and clothes to wear. Beyond that, you need money for things like entertainment, travel, and charity. Although money is not the most important thing, it's pretty high up on the list, probably right under air.

If you agree that life is short, then you should understand that spending the majority of it working to make money because you have no other choice isn't such a great plan. The problem is that most people don't know of any other way. Don't you have to work? Doesn't everyone work? Unless you're born into a rich family or win the lottery, you have to work to make money. However, trading time for money is a guaranteed way for you to have to work for the rest of your life.

Working isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong. We all have to work. The difference between people who achieve financial freedom and most of the other people is that the first group gets to do what they enjoy. They work because they want to and not because they have to. Many people love what they do but often times, what they love to do doesn't pay all that well. This can cause you to have a lot of financial stress.
So how do you go about finding some achieve financial freedom ideas? Well, it's not so much what you do. There are lots of ways to be financially free. The key is getting the right type of income. That income is passive income. Instead of trading your time for money your whole life, you can set up businesses or systems that will generate money for you even while you sleep.

Sound impossible? If it does, I don't blame you. We were never taught this type of income in school at any depth. If you have a savings account however, you already make some money in your sleep. All you have to do now is to figure out how to make more passive income, enough to cover all of your expenses and you will achieve financial freedom. Once you don't have to work for money, life will be your playground. You will be able to truly live life the way you really want to live.

Think about how great life would be if you never had to worry about having enough money? You don't have to be a millionaire or anything. All you need to do is make enough passive or residual income on a monthly basis to cover all of your bills. Achieving financial freedom can be done with as little as $3,000 a month in passive income. The amount really depends on your expenses. The more expenses you have, the more passive income you need. Either way, you can have financial freedom without having to be rich. What you will have is time, and that my friends is the most valuable thing of all.

Dealing With Disappointment

When it comes to dealing with disappointment, the way you choose to handle it can determine how your life will turn out. When we feel disappointed, all that means is that something or someone failed to meet up to our expectations. For most people, this occurs when they try to reach for a goal and come up short. Everyone will have to deal with this. They way you handle this situation will determine your success or failure in life. Let's take a deeper look into why we feel disappointed and some things you can do to overcome this feeling.

Expectations are nothing but rules. These rules will dictate, at least in your mind, what has to happen before a satisfactory result is achieved. Let's say you wanted to lose 15 months in 30 days. You go out there and you start working out and eating right. You do everything the experts tell you and when the 30 days is up, you step on the scale and find out you only lost 10 pounds. Chances are that you will feel quite disappointed. The reason is because you set a rule on what has to happen for you to feel satisfied.
So what do you do in this situation or any other situation where you fail to achieve what you set out to achieve? If you do what most people do and give up or complain and whine about how you never get what you want, then you are going to continue to feel miserable. If you decide that you are going to adjust and do better next time, you will be able to succeed at dealing with disappointment in a productive way.

Remember that disappointment is just a feeling that is caused by the rules you set up. This works externally as well. Let's say you expected your child to get straight A's but he or she ends up with mostly B's. The only reason you will feel disappointed is because you created the rule that unless your child gets all A's, you will not be satisfied.

So how can you use this fact to help you in dealing with disappointments? There are two things you can do. The first is to realize that when you are feeling disappointed, it's because certain rules that you created weren't met. Whether the rules were placed on you or someone else it doesn't matter. In order to deal with this feeling, one thing you can do is to change the rules.

Instead of saying, "If I don't lose 15 pounds in 30 days, I am going to be so disappointed", you can say, "I will do everything I can to reach my goal but if I happen to fall short, I will at least know that I gave it my all." This is just an example but hopefully you got the point. You made the rules that caused yourself to feel disappointed which means you can also change it.

The second thing you can do relates to rules you set on other people. If you want to stop being disappointed all the time when it comes to other people, create rules that make it hard for people to make you disappointed. The rules of what has to happen for you to be satisfied weren't something you were born with. You created them. It's great to have high expectations for yourself because you have control over your actions but when you place too many rules on other people who you don't have control over, be prepared to have a lot of disappointments.

Dealing is disappointment just requires understand what causes this feeling to come up in the first place. Once you understand that it's a result of you or other people failing to meet your rules of what has to happen for you to feel satisfied, you can begin to start changing those rules to make it harder for you to feel disappointed.

What Makes People Happy

So what makes people happy? Will more money do it? We have all heard people who have a fortune but ended up committing suicide. Will fame do it? How many celebrities have you heard turning to drugs and going in and out of rehab all the time? How about having the perfect body? Having the perfect job? If you ask people what makes them happy, you will probably get a ton of different answers but there are two fundamental things that will ensure happiness. The first is knowing that they are growing mentally, spiritually, etc. The second is feeling that they are making a difference.

Many people will make the mistake of thinking that happiness comes from something external. They think that new sports car will make them happy or that raise or getting a new house. Although these things can give you temporary feelings of happiness, they are short-lived. Think about the time you bought your first home or car. You were probably excited. How did you feel several years later? Probably not as excited since you got used to it right? Many people would be overjoyed if they can make a $100k a year. People who made that income for the first time were thrilled but after doing it for so long, year after year, it just becomes the norm, another paycheck.

So the first part of what makes people happy, as mentioned earlier, is growth. When you feel like you are improving your life, that's when you are happy. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to constantly buy bigger and better things. It's much deeper than that. You need to feel like you are growing on a personal level. You need to know that the essence of who you are is continually improving in some way. If you want to know how to find happiness, look within. Work on yourself, your goals, and your dreams. Keep looking for ways to make yourself better today than you were last year. This can mean different things to different people but the point is that you have to feel like you are improving and getting better as a human being as time goes by.

The second part of what makes people happy is that sense of contribution. Everyone wants to believe that they were put here to do something great. You don’t have to do something that will change the world though. As long as you know that by you being here, by doing what you are doing, you are helping someone somewhere, it will bring you happiness. For some people, being a parent is happiness because they brought a new life into their world and they are responsible for its happiness.
What makes people happy at work? Not a paycheck, as mentioned before, after a while, the excitement goes away. It's that sense of making a difference. It's that sense that you are a part of something much larger than yourself. This is what makes people happy in life. Being a part of or creating something that will outlast them. It's doing something that will make some sort of a difference in other people's lives. This is why you will often see people who have all the money in the world want to give it away. They realize that money alone doesn't bring happiness. Contribution does.

These are two ways of how to find happiness. Are these the only answers to what makes people happy? That depends on how you define happiness. You can be happy just to be alive. You can be happy just to be able to see. You will be happier the moment you stop making being happy so hard. It's a feeling that you create. That being said, personal growth and contribution is two strong reasons to be happy.